Zhecheng Sheng

AI and NLP Researcher @ University of Minnesota



I am a 3rd-year Ph.D. Student in Health Data Science, and a member of Cognitive AI Lab at UMN. I am honored to be advised by Prof. Serguei Pakhomov. I received B.S. in Agricultural Science at Zhejiang University in 2017 (advised by Prof. Jun Zhu) and M.S. in Biostatistics at Duke University in 2019 (advised by Prof. Benjamin Goldstein).

My current research interests include Natural Language Processing and Trustworthy Machine Learning. My on-going projects specifically focus on developing methodologies to ensure fairness and robustness of machine learning and deep learning models and their application in healthcare. This involves addressing the presence of sensitive features or confounding shifts that may interfere with model performances. Besides, I am also interested in designing methods for probing Large Language Models (LLM) to assess the faithfulness of language generation and adapting it for downstream domain-specific tasks.

:coffee: Feel free to reach out for a quick chat!


Jun 10, 2024 I am starting my summer internship as an Applied Scientist @ Amazon.
May 16, 2024 One paper accepted to ACL 2024 Findings.
Jan 31, 2024 I am awarded M.S. in Data Science from UMN CSE.
Dec 10, 2023 One paper on text coherence modeling is accepted to AAAI 2024! :smile: [sllides, poster]
Oct 27, 2023 One paper accepted to DistShift workshop @ NeurIPS 2023!
Jul 06, 2023 One paper and one abstract [slides] accepted by AMIA Annual Syposium 2023.
May 26, 2023 One paper accepted by DialDoc workshop @ ACL 2023 [slides].